nedelja, 15. november 2015

What is the project about?

The project, CO3, is based on 3 fundamental ideas that focus on essential aspects of Europe of the 21st century: First, coeducation in schools as a manifestation of our commitment to educational innovation. It is not just cooperative work but we will go beyond that idea and achieve a true co-education, collecting innumerable benefits which, as has already been demonstrated, provides peer education. Also, the role of the teacher included into this cooeduacion will be that of a driving force, dynamic and inspirational at the same time. Along with this, the second aspect on which our CO3 project focuses is the collaboration between entities. It is not just a matter of searching for companies that collaborate with the school environment and collect all the good that both worlds can bring, but to go one step further, going beyond such a scheme and creating a "climate of entrepreneurship" within schools.

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